The automobile is the perfect symbol of technology. It’s always changing, always improving, and always doing its job. But the cars people drive today are a far cry from the first Ford automobiles that came off the assembly line over 100 years ago.
But technology in the automotive industry continues to evolve, and one of the biggest changes is the fuel-efficient automobile. Moreover, hybrid-electric and full-electric vehicles are a part of the sustainable future that Ford is committed to pursuing.
It Just Makes Sense
As much as people may love their internal combustion engines, oil is a fossil fuel. That means that it is a finite substance, and it is not a matter of if but when it will run out.
On top of that, the price of gasoline is always in flux. Whether it is due to changes in the market, geopolitical events like wars, or changes in trade agreements, naturally occurring inflation is compounded by unpredictable spikes in pricing. When that unpredictability is combined with the fact that gasoline consumption results in toxic emissions negatively impacting the environment, there are a lot of good reasons to not treat oil as a permanent solution and to look for other alternatives.
The Ford Plan
Ford is committed to eventually producing the best electric vehicles in Canada. Part of that plan is to help drivers transition to more fuel efficient, environmentally friendly electric vehicles. By 2022, Ford hopes to have 40 hybrid or full-electric vehicles on North American roads.